Monday 31 March 2008

the worst clothes on first dating

Ok, we've had the horrible dating stories... but how about this... what are the worst clothes you have seen someone show up in? Personally, I'm not a fan of capri pants of any nature on any woman, but those bell bottom capris is like an instant barf inducer! What's with capris anyway? Are they for women who can't decide between pants and shorts? a woman show up in her gym clothes smelling like a goat... and they weren't even nice gym clothes either! It was half worn out stretchy shorts and a ratted out old t-shirt. Now I'm no fashion icon, especially when it comes to the gym but damn! To a first date? Spandex........Most can not wear it, should not be wearing it, and show almost every extra part of their bodies......... To me it is just like a man walking into a bar with cowboy boots on and his pants tucked in them........speaks volumes...... Just my opinion...... One woman was wearing a sweat suit when. When she had for an actual date a week and a half later she had the same sweats on, except now they were all dirty and crusty. A guy wearing paint-spattered jeans, a greasy looking gray sweatshirt with a hole in the belly, an equally greasy looking ballcap and grass stained sneakers. Stimpy, if one of your dates shows up wearing toe socks, YOU have much bigger things to worry about! (Like why is this gay man wanting to date me!) by AJUZ

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