Batik merupakan warisan nenek moang Indonesia yang sampai sekarang masih ada. Batik pertama kali diperkenalkan kepada dunia oleh mantan Presiden Soeharto, yang pada waktu itu memekai batik pada konferensi PBB.
Batik kerap kali menghiasi halaman majalah fashion dunia. Bukan hanya itu, tidak sedikit figur publik dunia seperti mantan Presiden afrika Selatan Nelson Mandela tampil mengenakan kemeja yang terbuat dari kain batik.
Teknik membatik sendiri telah dikenal sejak ribuan tahun yang lalu. Tidak ada keterangan yang cukup jelas tentang asal usul batik. Ada ang menduga teknik ini berasal dari bangsa Sumeria, kemudian dikembangkan di Jawa setelah dibawa oleh pedagang dari India.Saat ini Batik bisa ditemukan di banak negara seperi Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, India, Srilanka, dan Iran. Selain di Asia, Batik juga sangat populer di beberapa negara di Afrika.
Salah satu jenis batik yang populer di Indonesia seperti di Bali, Lombok, Palembang , Toba, Sumbawa dan tentunya Jawa adalah batik ikat., yang berarti mengikat. Batik ini tidak seperti batik lainnya yang menggunakan canting.
Cara pembuatan Batik Ikat ialah terlebih dahulu diikatuntuk kemudian dicelupkan kedalam cairan yang dicampur pewarna. Proses ini menghasilkan beragam motif seperti polkadot, bintang, garis dan simetris.Jaman sekarang jenis batik ini dibuat untuk industri pariwisatakhususnya di daerah tropis. Keaslian batik ikat mengahsilkan kreasi yang unik dalam segi desain dan ketrampilan.
Keunikan ini pula yang membuat batik ikat dapat menunjukan eksistensinya di antara orang dengan kesadaran fashion tinggi dan mereka yang mencari penampilan yang berbeda.
Sudah bukan jamannya lagi batik dianggap kuno. Dengan padu padan yang sesuai, batik ikat akan terlihat trendy dan stylish pada si pemakai. Jika batik ikat dikreasikan dalam bentuk vest, atasan atau bawahan dengan padanan aksesoris atau alas kaki yang sedang in maka penampilan pun akan terlihat ekstra gaya.
Mari gunakan bati ikat produk asli Indonesia dan buktikan bahwa kita adalah orang yang cinta tanah air dengan cita rasa fashion yang tinggi.
Wednesday, 30 April 2008
Tuesday, 22 April 2008
An actress, Titi Kamal is gonna promote batik in all over the world. Next July, Titi's going to go to praha czech republic, to promote batik. She has been chosen as Heritage Solo ambassadress which job's to promote solo's culture wealth, such as batik, wayang , and gamelan. she's gonna introduce batik with some roadshow in some big cities in the world. She told that she liked to wear batik clothes lately. She used to wear batik in formal events and families gathering. Now batik is her idol dress to wear. Batik can combine with others clothes or just added accessories. For youngsters she has a message. she also promote batik for them. Batik can combine with jacket, or jeans. Not only wearing and promoting batik, the actress of ADA APA DENGAN CINTA, EIFFEL I'M IN LOVE dan MENDADAK DANGDUT but also has a plan to design a batik clothes. Batik can be add beads, small droplets, and other application. Batik also has a big potention in the world. jablai's singer has been invited Solo's prince in Royal Dinner to celebrate Solo Batik Carnival 2008 in pura mangkunegaran Solo. I hope she'll wear batik with her bofriend Christian sugiono in their wedding, because she said she loves batik so why not wearing batik in our big celebration. by ajuz
Monday, 7 April 2008
You must believed that the highest quality batik is made on the island of Java, Indonesia its mean that our culture is very variety. The technique of batik Surakarta and madura is includes multiple phases of coloring and designs either stamped and/or drawn with a canting (liquid wax pen). Wax is cracked to achieve a marble effect or it is immediately removed in boiling water and/or by scraping. Dense, high thread count cloth (typically cotton) is used to ensure desirable absorption of the dye. Traditionally batik was simple with few colors, but you can found several batik with colourful By Merien
all about balon n ballon
By: Merien keren memang. baju jenis balon memang terlihat feminim dan chic bagi yang memakainya, tapi harap di catat dan di ingat...... jika kau memiliki bentuk tubuh yang agak..... bigzzzzzz kau harus lebih memperhatikan warna dan model baju balon yang akan kau kenakan. kalau tidak.... kau akan terlihat lebih....... besar! Itulah tips dari saya..... sebelum kau berani untuk memakai baju balon yang penuh dengan volume, kau harus caranya memadu padankan warna!
Sunday, 6 April 2008
- Sido Mulyo :Sido (you should be ), mulyo (happy). Symbolizing 'you should be happy and rich man'.
- Sido Dadi :Symbolizing 'you should be a man/woman as you wish (prosperous, high ranking position, wealthy, etc)'.
- Satrio Wibowo :Symbolizing 'Man with dignity'.
- Tikel Asmorodono :Tikel (more), Asmoro (love), Dono (gift).It is meant the one who wears this batik, should be loved more and more by others.
The Process of Batik Making
Batik, in Javanese means 'To Dot'. Basically there are two kinds of batik; Batik Tulis (hand drawn) and Batik Cap (stamped). The price of batik tulis is much more expensive than batik cap.
A canting (a pen like instrument with a small reservoir of liquid wax) is applied to the cloth of batik tulis making. The tracing of the desired design on to the prepared cloth is the first stage of making followed by the technique of applying wax and dye substances. At the final stage of the process, all the wax scraped off and the cloth boiled to remove all traces of the wax. This process of repeatedly waxing and dyeing is the batik process, used until nowadays in Java and other parts of Indonesia.
So, this kind art of batik is an indigenous to the country. The wax used in batik process is a combined product of paraffin, bees-wax, plant resins called gondorukem and mata kucing. Batik cap, which is also using the waxing process, its process of course faster and easier. But people appreciation of batik tulis is higher, it is really a work of an artist not only a craftsman. It combines the expertise, patience, deep feeling to produce the finest product, and it may take days, weeks and even months to make only a batik tulis.
The Cities of Batik
Yogyakarta and Solo are the centers of traditional of batiks, as the north coastal town of Pekalongan is the center of more modern batiks, using more floral and birds motifs. There are some well-known artists of batik design in Yogya and Solo, as well as some big batik manufacturers with famous trademarks.
The growing production of batik makes way to the establishment of mori (woven cotton fabrics) factories in Yogya and Central Java. The Batik research Institute was founded in Yogya.
When Batik is Worn
Batik dresses are worn for several purposes, such as ;
- Informal Dresses; It is a free choice, usually for daily casual wear.
- Formal OccasionsIn some parties, as a state banquets, receptions, etc, the invitees are requested to wear batik. Long sleeves shirts for the men and 'kain batik' (long batik to cover the lower body) for the women.
- Traditional OccasionsIt is worn to present the traditional wedding ceremonies, special ceremonies for the Royal families, etc.
In a wedding ceremony the bride and the bridegroom wear the same motif of batik Sidomukti, symbolizing a happiness and prosperous life. Using the same motif symbolizing the togetherness. The parents of the bride and the bridegroom wear batik with motif of Truntum, symbolizing the advice of the parents to the newly weds to enter the new life with full of love and confidence.
Traditional Dress
Women's traditional dress, especially in Yogya and Solo court families, consisting of :
- Jarit or Tapih or Sinjang, A 'kain panjang' (long cloth of batik) measuring around 2 m x 1 m to cover the lower body, tightened with stagen (large waist band)
- Kebaya, It is a traditional long sleeved shirt (the material used is not from batik, usually from silk and other fine materials).
- Selendang, It is used as attractive piece of clothing to compliment the traditional dress. The 2 m x 0,5 m selendang cloth hung over one shoulder.
- Kemben or Semekan, It is special for ceremonies in Karaton (palace) or Royal family ceremonies. Instead of wearing Kebaya, to cover the upper body, a kemben is worn.
Men's Traditional Dresses
- Jarit or Bebed; Men kain panjang, tightened with stagen.
- Surjan; Men traditional long sleeved shirt (only for Yogya style) and the material is not batik.
- Beskap; Instead of wearing surjan, the men wear a coat (beskap of Solo style or Atila of Yogya style), the materials is not batik.
- Blangkon; It is a headgear made from batik. KerisThe dagger is worn at backside of the waist, as a compliment to the dress.
Is a very long jarit to cover the lower body. It is worn only on a very special occasion such as the king coronation by the king himself. The wearing of dodot or kampuhan is very complicated. It may take two hours to wear a dodot with the help of specialist-dressers!
Thursday, 3 April 2008
People magazine released Best Dressed list
BY :AJUZ It comes as no surprise when names like Beyonce Knowles, Jennifer Lopez and Gwen Stefani are thrown among the best dressed stars of the year. People magazine made it official that all three women are "Best" side of People magazine's "Best & Worst Dressed of 2007" double issue, which his store shelves on Friday. As well as Beyonce, J. Lo and Gwen, other big names like Katie Holmes, Jessica Biel, Penelope Cruz and Drew Barrymore made the list as some of the best dressed celebrities of the year. Reese Witherspoon, Cameron Diaz and Ali Larter were also on the good side of the list, with their fashion prowess being hailed by the popular magazine. Fox News quoted the magazine, which said that, "Whether classic or continental, girl-next-door or glam," all the celebrities named to the list have made the right fashion movies throughout the year. It's not just women who are being praised for their fashion sense. America's newest British hunk David Beckham has been named to the list of sharp dressers, as has Terrence Howard. Popular Hollywood hunks like Johnny Depp, Brad Pitt and George Clooney were also graced with an nod on the fashion list. These men have made a point of being dressed sharp and smart every time the step in front of a camera, be it in full-on suits and tuxedos, or if its a pair of slacks and a T-shirt. When it comes to best-dressed couples, Brad Pitt found his way into another 'Best' list with his partner Angelina Jolie. Gwen Stefani and her husband Gavin Rossdale also made the cut, as did newlyweds Eva Longoria and Tony Parker. Halle Berry and her boyfriend, Gabriel Aubry, were noted for their fashion sense. While the couples were being given attention, a separate list was compiled for the "British Accent" of fashion, which stems from across the pond. Victoria Beckham, Kate Moss, Lily Allen, Kate Middleton and Emma Watson were all given the thumbs on their wardrobe. As for the fashion "don'ts", look no further than Sienna Miller and her black hot pants. Or, in the world of music, Avril Lavigne seems to have fallen out of grace. Instead of sticking to her standard t-shirt and tie, Lavigne shocked fashion critics with a frilly dress and combat boots. Not exactly on the fashion field, Avril. Others who were noted for the stunning failures of wardrobes include Janet Jackson and Kirsten Dunst, both of whom were accused of wearing the "worst red carpet dresses" of the year.
This article is about the worst dressed celebrities. And I have to say " They are baby dools but looked as papy dools.". I give you the chart of the worst dressed celebrities.
1. Britney Spears and Paris Hilton
This newly formed fashion disaster duo is a friendship based on a mutual love for partying, miniskirts, blonde hair extensions and self-tanners. they was placed in a first-place tie for the worst of the worst dressed and was called "Two peas in an over-exposed pod." How hard is it to look great when you're gorgeous, blonde and rich?
2. Camilla Parker
She was called the "Duchess of Dowdy," and of all the famous people on this list you have to imagine that she's the one that cares the least that she's considered a worst-dressed.
3. Lindsay Lohan
OK, so maybe her red carpet choices aren't flawless, but you have to give her some credit for at least trying to dress grown-up on the red carpet (as opposed to posse members Britney and Paris, the perpetual teenyboppers.)
4. Christina Aguilera
she is labeled "All crass and no class." Truth is, Christina's never really found a successful defining look; instead she seems to be channeling Donatella Versace's signature style with her long platinum-blond hair and garish makeup.
5. Mariah Carey
Mariah simply wears her clothes too tight (drat trying to cram into that double zero!) and pretty much always has. And she overdoes everything. So even when Mariah comes close to getting it right stylewise, she loses points for ill-fitting garments and frumpy 'dos. I calls her "Mariah, the fashion bariah."
6. Paula Abdul
Paula's look has always been all about the hair, but even that wasn't enough to keep them from calling her the "fallen fashion idol."
7. Sharon Stone
Just think: merely a decade ago Sharon created a fashion frenzy for mock-neck Gap T-shirts when she redefined dressing for the Oscars with her high-low mix. She's had many missteps since then and it didn't escape their's attention (he likened her to Cruella deVille).
8. Tori Spelling
Poor little rich girl. Nobody every mistook her for a fashion icon, but now that she's barefoot, pregnant and hosting yard sales her style quotient takes a big hit (She was called it "Down and Out in Beverly Hills.")
9. Sandra Oh
We saw this coming when Sandra dared to defile a perfect Vera Wang dress with Run DMC-style gold chains. Oh Sandra! No wonder they referred to your look as "layered lunacy."
10. Meryl Streep
Maybe we wouldn't have realized just how "mother-of-the-bride" Meryl's wardrobe was until we saw how absolutely smashing she could look when she appeared as a fashion editor in "The Devil Wears Prada."
Wednesday, 2 April 2008
Well, This article is about the worst dressed celebrities. And I have to say " They are baby dools but looked as papy dools.". I give you the chart of the worst dressed celebrities. 1. Britney Spears and Paris Hilton This newly formed fashion disaster duo is a friendship based on a mutual love for partying, miniskirts, blonde hair extensions and self-tanners. they was placed in a first-place tie for the worst of the worst dressed and was called "Two peas in an over-exposed pod." How hard is it to look great when you're gorgeous, blonde and rich? 2. Camilla Parker She was called the "Duchess of Dowdy," and of all the famous people on this list you have to imagine that she's the one that cares the least that she's considered a worst-dressed. 3. Lindsay Lohan OK, so maybe her red carpet choices aren't flawless, but you have to give her some credit for at least trying to dress grown-up on the red carpet (as opposed to posse members Britney and Paris, the perpetual teenyboppers.) 4. Christina Aguilera she is labeled "All crass and no class." Truth is, Christina's never really found a successful defining look; instead she seems to be channeling Donatella Versace's signature style with her long platinum-blond hair and garish makeup. 5. Mariah Carey Mariah simply wears her clothes too tight (drat trying to cram into that double zero!) and pretty much always has. And she overdoes everything. So even when Mariah comes close to getting it right stylewise, she loses points for ill-fitting garments and frumpy 'dos. I calls her "Mariah, the fashion bariah." 6. Paula Abdul Paula's look has always been all about the hair, but even that wasn't enough to keep them from calling her the "fallen fashion idol." 7. Sharon Stone Just think: merely a decade ago Sharon created a fashion frenzy for mock-neck Gap T-shirts when she redefined dressing for the Oscars with her high-low mix. She's had many missteps since then and it didn't escape their's attention (he likened her to Cruella deVille). 8. Tori Spelling Poor little rich girl. Nobody every mistook her for a fashion icon, but now that she's barefoot, pregnant and hosting yard sales her style quotient takes a big hit (She was called it "Down and Out in Beverly Hills.") 9. Sandra Oh We saw this coming when Sandra dared to defile a perfect Vera Wang dress with Run DMC-style gold chains. Oh Sandra! No wonder they referred to your look as "layered lunacy." 10. Meryl Streep Maybe we wouldn't have realized just how "mother-of-the-bride" Meryl's wardrobe was until we saw how absolutely smashing she could look when she appeared as a fashion editor in "The Devil Wears Prada."